
VA VISITORS!! part ii

Welcome!!  Grandma Bobbie and Rodgers Family!
A few days into the fun, more special visitors arrived!  For those keeping count, that's 7 sweet guests + 3 = 10.  It was AMAZING!!!  More family = more fun!!!  Including the all too famous, Lily and Dylan!

We continued to pack, but the good times never slowed down...even including Judah's first swim at the Cedar Hill Park pool :)  He was a champ.  Once he figured out the cool water and floating sensation...he loved it!  Side note:  Cynthia let us borrow one of Dylan's "swimmer diapers" - Dylan turned 2 years in April, Judah was just 3 months at the time...it fit!

Hanging around...

Cedar Hill Park...
...the girls
...the boys

Floating Baby...

VA VISITORS!! part i

Howdy!!!  Welcome to TX!!!
After a grueling 20+ hr drive, Andy and Patricia finally arrived!  It was Judah's first time to meet his aunt and uncle, and 6 months since we'd last seen Jason's sister and brother-in-law.  We had a WONDERFUL time! 

Unfortunately for our guests, this was also moving week for the Hatches...so hospitality took a backseat while Andy and Patricia furnished their own towels and sheets, eating off paper goods and plastic ware.  Did we mention the manual labor?  Yes, even during vacation.  We NEVER would have gotten the house packed without their help!  The 513 coffee mugs alone was enough to earn Andy the Noble Peace Prize, but he and Patricia were packing saints.

We did manage to squeeze in a LOT of fun while they were here!  Just hanging around the house, at DBU for ISOM, or swimming (see future posts...) - it was SO GOOD to see family!!

Hanging around...
Judah's handmade blanket! Courtesy of Aunt Squish!

Turn your monitor sideways and your speakers up!



Several weeks ago (sorry for the slack in posting) Lee and Shirley GRACIOUSLY opened their lake house to spend a weekend with the Hatch family and a few friends! 
Glorious weather...successful trout line...and Lee's unparalleled fish fry :)  Followed by several hours cruising the lake.  Relaxing in the boat or being thrashed in an inner tube behind it...we had an AMAZING time!  But our sweet hosts and company trumped all :)