
FIRE in the HOLE!!!

Yet another near miss with the fire department, but a thrilling moment of action with the fire extinguisher!  As back story (and an excuse to brag on our son), Judah has a precious (and uncharacteristically large for a 3-year-old) capacity to consider and meet the needs of others.  He has an especially soft spot for Paisley, and we often catch him making her a special lunch or trying to tie her shoes so they can play outside together.  One cold day in February, Judah decided Paisley would enjoying snuggling with a "warm" stuffed animal - so he grabbed his elk and started the microwave.  In a matter of seconds, Judah came tearing through the house yelling "FIRE!! FIRE!!"  The wire rimmed antlers set a blaze inside the microwave, and black smoked poured through the kitchen.  Judah did SEVERAL chores to earn the money for a new microwave...all without complaining :)  It was a day of crazy chaos, but reaffirmed that the Lord heard (and is answering) prayers spoken over Judah since infancy that he would grow in compassion and humility, considering others first while seeking out how to meet their needs and owning his faults while accepting the consequence for his mistakes.  Thank You, Lord, for working in Judah for Your glory - not his, and not ours'. 
And with that! ...the aftermath...


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