

37 weeks and we are officially...FULL TERM!!!  Meaning, Bug could arrive and survive any day now.  The next 3 weeks will polish off some final developments, but mostly he'll just get plump :)

Bug is now the size of a WATERMELON - and every ounce of it.  Hannah looks ready to pop.

Last week's unfortunate stomach flu came just in time...any later might have sent her into labor. 

But!  Jason Hatch, M.D., did an EXCELLENT job with the invalid.  Not only did he ensure she kept hydrated with water, Gatorade, and 7UP - he also discovered Blue Bell's award winning POP N FUDGE BARS. 

AMAZING! And doctor approved. "Whatever it takes to stay hydrated" - including frozen sugar water. We are officially hooked.



We woke up, made omlettes, then got dressed to explore :)  Over 12 inches of SNOW!!!  In Dallas!  Where it averaged 70 degrees about 3 weeks ago...

A few trees and branches were lost, but Jason managed to shake and salvage most.

Please meet Mrs. Pregnant Snowwoman :)



ta-da! 36-week belly pictures :)  Just 31 days to go...and the tummy's going to be getting even bigger...

(ps: those are the amazing Valentine socks Hannah's mom bought for her last year)


DBU closed campus at 2 pm, hopefully granting commuters enough time to avoid the murky slush that was QUICKLY flooding intersections across the metroplex.  We made it safely to our neighborhood, until the final uphill battle toward the house.  Zero traction.  We stalled and spun (watched another truck slam into a parked car), then slid into the curb - trashing our back passenger wheel.  Apparently this scene had played out quite a few times today according to an on looking neighbor...  So, feeling very much like Mary and Joseph, Jason supported his 8 month pregnant wife in high heels as we trekked about half a mile (literally uphill, in the snow...both ways...) home.  Adventure!  But everything looked so beautiful, the cold wasn't even a bother :) 

The snow has kept up ALL day and is predicted to hang around ALL NIGHT!!! This is the most snow Dallas has seen (according to our neighbors) in over 30 years! We'll get the official amount tomorrow, but we were sinking halfway to the knee in some places...


And supposedly it's not over yet...