...it's WAY past time for mistletoe and holly! Sorry for the Christmas upload delay, but it took yesterday's snow "storm" to remind me the fabulous footage was yet to be posted.
The Hatch family hung around Irving this year! Just the 3 of us with Christmas music and breakfast burritos (made just like Dad always does it) :) True to the advice of seasoned parents, Judah was more interested in the wrapping and boxes than the presents within; next year he's getting tupperware and cooking utensils. A couple of sweet families invited us to stop by Christmas evening, so we rounded off the holiday visiting friends.
It was a wonderful continuance of old traditions and beginning of some new, grounded on the foundation that JESUS is the focus. Hopefully Christmas will serve as an altar of rememberance, like the Israelites built in Gilgal (Joshua 4:19-24), that does not stand as the ONLY time we celebrate the birth, life, death, and ressurection of Jesus, but as a physical break that forces us to slow down and focus on Christ. We don't want to forget the power of Jesus throughout the year, but we are grateful for a special season that reminds us of His absolute provision!