
CHRISTMAS in IRVING!!! - part ii

Other outings!  The Dallas Children's Aquarium and Grapevine Mills Mall for a little train and carousel riding.  Plus, a look at our fun hanging around the house.
The trip highlight (and possibly the greatest story of 2013) was from our trip to the aquarium.  Judah (as we've come to know) is as mischievous a boy you will find...not intentionally getting into trouble, but always seeming to find himself there.  Out of curiosity (I suppose), Judah stuck his head into a small opening in the handrails, only to find himself stuck.  Don't judge us for laughing..there wasn't any immediate danger!  Judah was simply (somewhat comfortably) at a 90 degree angle.  It was a while before he became anxious; perhaps it was when the crowd started forming...and after ice packs from the aquarium staff, several attempts from several angles to pull Judah free, and Jason's pleas for our nosy onlookers to press on, a kind woman offered us a bottle of Vasoline :)  We greased up Judah's head, folded his ears, elevated his legs, and shoved him through!  Fortunately, Aunt Squish found some Smarties to soothe his frayed nerves while Jason filled out an "Incident Report" and convinced the Aquarium we wouldn't sue :)  And miraculously we dodged yet another near call to the fire department.  Sorry we didn't snap a picture during the ordeal, but we did get a nice shot of Judah recovering on the floor behind his handrail.

What a fantastic holiday :)




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